EMDR Therapy
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy can be used to reduce anxiety and post-traumatic stress symptoms such as flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, nightmares, and troubling memories. EMDR works with a memory or experience while using “bilateral stimulation” of the brain. This stimulation may be visual (tracking the therapist’s finger), audio (listening to various tones), or tactile (tapping or pulsing on the body). As the experience of the memory is activated, bilateral stimulation is used to reduce the embodied reactions to the memory. EMDR can help people reprocess the event and the associated negative emotions and beliefs about themselves into healthier, more adaptive beliefs. As the “charge” of the event decreases, people often note feeling more at ease, less activated and calmer in relation to the memory. EMDR has been researched extensively and has been proven effective in the treatment of a variety of clinical issues.
Cybil has completed Level 1 EMDR training and will complete Level 2 in May, 2022. Cybil is receiving her training through the Institute for Creative Mindfulness with Dr. Stephen Dansiger.