Individual Therapy
Individual therapy is a facilitated yet personal process of discovery that may support and uncover healing, insight, and greater ease in life and relationship. Just as the flesh holds tension (“knots”) expressed as stiffness and soreness, “emotional knots” (conscious or unconscious) can express similarly, limiting flow and impeding energy and wellness in the Whole Being. Psychotherapy may function as a massage for the soul, helping to release long-held tension patterns, decrease negative and painful symptoms and alleviate discomfort. As these shifts take place, one may feel increased energy, self-esteem, clarity, and ease in navigating life and relationships.
I orient from trauma-informed awareness and believe that trauma lives in the nervous system*, not in the event. Holding trauma as an injury to be healed, rather than a disorder to be managed, allows space and attention for healing the nervous system in service of the Whole Being.
Just as one would heal a broken leg in service of the whole body, I invite organic exploring, part by part, to uncover and reveal a Whole picture of your life. I look forward to offering awareness, non-judgemental support, tools and practices for (re)building new patterns of wellness in your life.
I utilize an organic synthesis of modern clinical skills and mystical somatic and depth-psychology oriented offerings in service of the Whole and most authentic individual. I look forward to walking beside you on your journey.
I am currently offering eco-therapy (outdoor) and online sessions.
*Nervous-system: a system of the body that in vertebrates includes the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and sense organs and receives, interprets, and responds to stimuli from inside and outside the body (Merriam-Webster, 2021)